The Sustainable Bethel Committee (formerly known as the “Bethel Green Committee”) is a group of volunteers and Town Board members, appointed by the Town Supervisor, that research opportunities and advises the Town Board on initiatives to conserve energy, move to renewable energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and otherwise make the Town of Bethel a more environmentally sustainable community.
Read HERE about the Town's adoption of a Building Energy Benchmarking Policy and see the significant reductions in energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions that the Town has achieved since 2016.
On September 26, 2018, the Town of Bethel was recognized by New York State as a “Bronze Certified” Climate Smart Community—then only the 20thmunicipality in the entire state to achieve certification status. Given that there are over 1500 municipalities in New York State, achieving this level of “sustainability” was a significant milestone! The Committee has been working together since 2013 to reduce government and community greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for a changing climate and save taxpayer money through energy -saving measures.
Moreen Lerner
Office: (845) 583-4350 Ext. 102
Cell: 908-202-6033
“Friend” us (Like our Page) and follow us on Facebook: SustainableBethelNY
Sustainable Bethel is always looking for new and innovative ways to achieve our objectives. If you have ideas for projects or for collaborations with civic groups,please contact us .