3454 Route 55
P.O. Box 300
White Lake, NY 12786
Phone: (845) 583-4350
Fax: (845) 583-4710
Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Daniel Gettel, Sole Assessor - ext. 103
E-Mail: bethelassessor@hvc.rr.com
Dina Sturm, Assessor Clerk - ext. 104
E-Mail: dsturm@libertybiz.rr.com
The Assessor is appointed by the Town Board. The term of office is six years which is set by the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance.
Duties: To locate, identify and value real property in the Town for the purpose of distributing taxes in accordance with real property tax laws. Administers and processes exemptions. The most common types are Seniors, Veterans, STAR, Business, Agricultural, Forest, and Religious.
The Basic STAR is a school tax exemption for homeowners whose primary residency is the Town of Bethel. Open to any age. At age 65 you may qualify for the Enhanced STAR. Contact the Assessor's office for details and forms.
The Sullivan County Clerk's Office in Monticello handles the filing and recording of deeds. The Assessor's Office receives copies to record the new owner information.
The Sullivan County Clerk and the County Real Property Tax Service file and record Tax Map changes that are approved. The Assessor's Office receives copies of the changes to update our records.
Property Ownership can not be changed at the Assessor's Office. Property Ownership must be done through the Sullivan County Clerk's Office by filing a new deed.
Important Dates on the Assessment Calendar:
March 1st – Taxable status day. Date all exemptions must be filed with the Assessor’s Office.
May 1st - Date of the completion of Tentative Assessment Roll. Assessor shall complete and file this roll with the Town Clerk. Legal Notice is published in the paper for public inspection of rolls.
Grievance Day – The 4th Tuesday in May. Ten days prior to Grievance Day Assessor shall mail a change in assessment to property owner. Board of Assessment Review meets to hear complains relating to assessment.
July 1st - Date of completion of Final Assessment Roll. Assessor shall complete and file with the Town Clerk. Legal Notice is published in the paper for public inspection of rolls.
Visit our Forms Page for most commonly used exemption forms.